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Interface ListQuery


  • ListQuery



Optional availability

availability: ("Alive" | "Deleted" | "Purged")[]

Specifies the availability status for the resulting messages. Default value is 'Alive'. Multiple values are accepted

Optional conversationId

conversationId: number

Specifies the conversation identifier for the resulting messages

Optional dateFrom

dateFrom: string

The start datetime for resulting messages in ISO 8601 format including timezone, for example 2016-03-10T18:07:52.534Z. The default value is dateTo minus 24 hours

Optional dateTo

dateTo: string

The end datetime for resulting messages in ISO 8601 format including timezone, for example 2016-03-10T18:07:52.534Z. The default value is current time

Optional direction

direction: ("Inbound" | "Outbound")[]

The direction for the resulting messages. If not specified, both inbound and outbound messages are returned. Multiple values are accepted

Optional distinctConversations

distinctConversations: boolean

If 'True', then the latest messages per every conversation ID are returned

Optional messageType

messageType: ("Fax" | "Text" | "SMS" | "VoiceMail" | "Pager")[]

The type of the resulting messages. If not specified, all messages without message type filtering are returned. Multiple values are accepted

Optional page

page: number

Indicates the page number to retrieve. Only positive number values are allowed. Default value is '1'

Optional perPage

perPage: number

Indicates the page size (number of items). If not specified, the value is '100' by default

Optional phoneNumber

phoneNumber: string

The phone number. If specified, messages are returned for this particular phone number only

Optional readStatus

readStatus: ("Read" | "Unread")[]

The read status for the resulting messages. Multiple values are accepted

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