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Interface ListQuery


  • ListQuery



Optional freeSoftphoneLine

freeSoftphoneLine: boolean

Specifies if free phone line for softphone is available for a country or not

Optional loginAllowed

loginAllowed: boolean

Specifies whether login with the phone numbers of this country is enabled or not

Optional numberSelling

numberSelling: boolean

Specifies if RingCentral sells phone numbers of this country

Optional page

page: number

Indicates the page number to retrieve. Only positive number values are allowed. Default value is '1'

Optional perPage

perPage: number

Indicates the page size (number of items). If not specified, the value is '100' by default

Optional signupAllowed

signupAllowed: boolean

Indicates whether signup/billing is allowed for a country. If not specified all countries are returned (according to other filters specified if any)

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