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Interface ListQuery


  • ListQuery



Optional dateFrom

dateFrom: string

The start datetime for resulting records in ISO 8601 format including timezone, for example 2016-03-10T18:07:52.534Z. The default value is dateTo minus 24 hours

Optional dateTo

dateTo: string

The end datetime for resulting records in ISO 8601 format including timezone, for example 2016-03-10T18:07:52.534Z. The default value is current time

Optional direction

direction: ("Inbound" | "Outbound")[]

The direction for the result records. It is allowed to specify more than one direction. If not specified, both inbound and outbound records are returned. Multiple values are accepted

Optional extensionNumber

extensionNumber: string

Extension number of a user. If specified, returns call log for a particular extension only. Cannot be specified together with the phoneNumber filter

Optional page

page: number

Indicates the page number to retrieve. Only positive number values are allowed. Default value is '1'

Optional perPage

perPage: number

Indicates the page size (number of items). If not specified, the value is '100' by default

Optional phoneNumber

phoneNumber: string

Phone number of a caller/call recipient. If specified, returns all calls (both incoming and outcoming) with the mentioned phone number. Cannot be specified together with the extensionNumber filter

Optional sessionId

sessionId: string

Optional showBlocked

showBlocked: boolean

If 'True' then calls from/to blocked numbers are returned. The default value is 'True'

Optional transport

transport: ("PSTN" | "VoIP")[]

Call transport type. 'PSTN' specifies that a call leg is initiated from the PSTN network provider; 'VoIP' - from an RC phone. By default this filter is disabled

Optional type

type: ("Voice" | "Fax")[]

Call type of a record. It is allowed to specify more than one type. If not specified, all call types are returned. Multiple values are accepted

Optional view

view: ("Simple" | "Detailed")[]

The default value is 'Simple' for both account and extension call log

Optional withRecording

withRecording: boolean

'True' if only recorded calls have to be returned

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