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  • QueueInfo



Optional agentTimeout

agentTimeout: number

Maximum time in seconds to wait for a call queue member before trying the next member

Optional fixedOrderAgents

fixedOrderAgents: FixedOrderAgents[]

Information on a call forwarding rule

Optional holdAudioInterruptionMode

holdAudioInterruptionMode: "Never" | "WhenMusicEnds" | "Periodically"

Connecting audio interruption mode

Optional holdAudioInterruptionPeriod

holdAudioInterruptionPeriod: number

Connecting audio interruption message period in seconds

Optional holdTime

holdTime: number

Maximum hold time in seconds to wait for an available call queue member

Optional maxCallers

maxCallers: number

Maximum count of callers on hold

Optional maxCallersAction

maxCallersAction: "Voicemail" | "Announcement"

Action which should be taken if count of callers on hold exceeds the maximum

Optional transferMode

transferMode: "Rotating" | "Simultaneous" | "FixedOrder"

Specifies how calls are transferred to group members

Optional wrapUpTime

wrapUpTime: number

Minimum post-call wrap up time in seconds before agent status is automatically set

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