  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All


  • GlipGroupInfo



Optional creationTime

creationTime: string

Group creation datetime in ISO 8601 format

Optional description

description: string

For 'Team' group type only. Team description

Optional id

id: string

Internal identifier of a group

Optional isPublic

isPublic: boolean

For 'Team' group type only. Team access level

Optional lastModifiedTime

lastModifiedTime: string

Group last change datetime in ISO 8601 format

Optional members

members: string[]

Identifier(s) of group members

Optional name

name: string

For 'Team' group type only. Team name

Optional type

type: "PrivateChat" | "Group" | "Team"

Type of a group. 'PrivateChat' is a group of 2 members. 'Group' is a chat of 2 and more participants, the membership cannot be changed after group creation. 'Team' is a chat of 1 and more participants, the membership can be modified in future

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