PC name for softphone
Address for emergency cases. The same emergency address is assigned to all the numbers of one device
This attribute can be omitted for unassigned devices
Internal identifier of a device
HardPhone model information
Device name. Mandatory if ordering SoftPhone or OtherPhone . Optional for HardPhone . If not specified for HardPhone, then device model name is used as device name
Phone lines information
Serial number for HardPhone (is returned only when the phone is shipped and provisioned); endpoint_id for softphone and mobile applications
Shipping information, according to which devices (in case of HardPhone ) or e911 stickers (in case of SoftPhone and OtherPhone ) will be delivered to the customer
Device identification number (stock keeping unit) in the format TP-ID [-AT-AC], where TP is device type (HP for RC HardPhone, DV for all other devices including softphone); ID - device model ID; AT -addon type ID; AC - addon count (if any). For example 'HP-56-2-2'
Device type. The default value is 'HardPhone'
Canonical URI of a device
Generated using TypeDoc
Box billing identifier of a device. Applicable only for HardPhones. It is an alternative way to identify the device to be ordered. EitherT? model structure, or boxBillingId must be specified forT?HardPhone