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  • ForwardingInfoCreateRuleRequest



Optional notifyAdminSoftPhones

notifyAdminSoftPhones: boolean

Specifies if the administrator's softphone (desktop application) is notified before forwarding the incoming call to desk phones and forwarding numbers. The default value is 'True'

Optional notifyMySoftPhones

notifyMySoftPhones: boolean

Specifies if the first ring on desktop/mobile apps is enabled. The default value is 'True'

Optional ringingMode

ringingMode: "Sequentially" | "Simultaneously"

Specifies the order in which forwarding numbers ring. 'Sequentially' means that forwarding numbers are ringing one at a time, in order of priority. 'Simultaneously' means that forwarding numbers are ringing all at the same time. The default value is 'Sequentially'

Optional rules

Information on a call forwarding rule

Optional softPhonesRingCount

softPhonesRingCount: number

Specifies delay between ring on apps and starting of a call forwarding. The default value is 1

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