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  • DeviceResource



Optional boxBillingId

boxBillingId: number

Box billing identifier of a device. Applicable only for HardPhones. It is an alternative way to identify the device to be ordered. Either model structure, or boxBillingId must be specified for HardPhone

Optional computerName

computerName: string

PC name for softphone

Optional emergencyServiceAddress

emergencyServiceAddress: EmergencyServiceAddressResource

Address for emergency cases. The same emergency address is assigned to all numbers of a single device ,

Optional extension

This attribute can be omitted for unassigned devices

Optional id

id: string

Internal identifier of a device

Optional linePooling

linePooling: "Host" | "Guest" | "None"

Pooling type of a deviceHost - device with standalone paid phone line which can be linked to Glip/Softphone instanceGuest - device with a linked phone lineNone - device without a phone line or with specific line (free, BLA, etc.) = ['Host', 'Guest', 'None']

Optional model

HardPhone model information

Optional name

name: string

Device name. Mandatory if ordering SoftPhone or OtherPhone . Optional for HardPhone . If not specified for HardPhone, then device model name is used as device name

Optional phoneLines

phoneLines: PhoneLineResource

Phone lines information

Optional serial

serial: string

Serial number for HardPhone (is returned only when the phone is shipped and provisioned); endpoint_id for softphone and mobile applications

Optional shipping

Shipping information, according to which devices (in case of HardPhone ) or e911 stickers (in case of SoftPhone and OtherPhone ) will be delivered to the customer

Optional sku

sku: string

Device identification number (stock keeping unit) in the format TP-ID [-AT-AC], where TP is device type (HP for RC HardPhone, DV for all other devices including softphone); ID - device model ID; AT -addon type ID; AC - addon count (if any). For example 'HP-56-2-2'

Optional status

status: "Online" | "Offline"

Status of a device = ['Online', 'Offline']

Optional type

type: "HardPhone" | "SoftPhone" | "OtherPhone"

Device type. The default value is 'HardPhone'

Optional uri

uri: string

Canonical URI of a device

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