  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All


  • CallLogRecordLegInfo



Optional action

action: "Unknown" | "Phone Call" | "Phone Login" | "Incoming Fax" | "Accept Call" | "FindMe" | "FollowMe" | "Outgoing Fax" | "Call Return" | "Calling Card" | "Ring Directly" | "RingOut Web" | "VoIP Call" | "RingOut PC" | "RingMe" | "Transfer" | "411 Info" | "Emergency" | "E911 Update" | "Support" | "RingOut Mobile"

Action description of the call operation

Optional direction

direction: "Inbound" | "Outbound"

Call direction

Optional duration

duration: number

Call duration in seconds

Optional extension

Information on extension

Optional from

Caller information

Optional legType

legType: string

Leg type

Optional recording

recording: RecordingInfo

Call recording data. Returned if the call is recorded

Optional result

result: "Unknown" | "ResultInProgress" | "Missed" | "Call accepted" | "Voicemail" | "Rejected" | "Reply" | "Received" | "Receive Error" | "Fax on Demand" | "Partial Receive" | "Blocked" | "Call connected" | "No Answer" | "International Disabled" | "Busy" | "Send Error" | "Sent" | "No fax machine" | "ResultEmpty" | "Account" | "Suspended" | "Call Failed" | "Call Failure" | "Internal Error" | "IP Phone offline" | "Restricted Number" | "Wrong Number" | "Stopped" | "Hang up" | "Poor Line Quality" | "Partially Sent" | "International Restriction" | "Abandoned" | "Declined" | "Fax Receipt Error" | "Fax Send Error"

Status description of the call operation

Optional startTime

startTime: string

The call start datetime in ISO 8601 format including timezone, for example 2016-03-10T18:07:52.534Z

Optional to

Callee information

Optional transport

transport: "PSTN" | "VoIP"

Call transport

Optional type

type: "Voice" | "Fax"

Call type

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